International activity

"New Year's traditions of the peoples of the world": a bright holiday in the Engineeringium of VyatSU

  • 23 December 2021, 18:21
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1976

The language club of communication of Vyatka State University held the final event in 2021 dedicated to the New Year traditions of the peoples of the world

The meeting was held within the framework of the won grant of Rosmolodezh and brought together more than 50 foreign students of VyatSU from China, Morocco, Sudan, Tanzania, Mali, Tajikistan and other countries.

Our guests prepared dances, presentations on the theme of the New Year and Christmas in their countries, fascinating performances and a flash mob with Santa Claus and Snegurochka.

The organizers, in turn, held a master class on carving New Year's snowflakes, drawing Santa and making real snow.

Daria Agalakova:

    I really liked it! There were many guys from other countries. It was very interesting to see and hear about their homeland. It is very useful for us to learn something new and communicate with foreigners!

Mohamed Elkhoumiri:

    The event was very useful and fun for us, foreign students, we discovered new cultures, met new friends and made new connections ... Thanks to everyone who participated in organizing this event.

Jeremy Sen:

    I happened to see how Tajik girls dance their native dance in national costumes. I learned how Christmas and New Years are celebrated in different cultures around the world. It was a happy day with our dean and teachers. It was the best day in Russia!

Egor Koscheev:

    It was very interesting to learn about how the New Year is celebrated in other countries. The actors playing the roles of Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and the tiger are simply gorgeous. At the end, we tasted traditional dishes of different cuisines. Everything is very cool!

Read in Russian

